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MainSelection: 2011

MainSelection: 2011
CategorySelection: Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players

2011 - Omaha Hi 5 to 10 Players - $2.01-$5 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 SOLELUNA81 PartyPoker.it 1295.0
2 emblema_ PartyPoker.it 1042.0
3 gkg66 PartyPoker.it 1014.0
4 zutto56 PartyPoker.it 885.0
5 karina86 PartyPoker.it 835.0
6 gkg66 Everest (Closed) 775.0
7 ALF1977 iPoker.it 743.0
8 alessgalli1 PartyPoker.it 735.0
9 fabiocodi PartyPoker.it 703.0
10 La_nike_ PartyPoker.it 651.0
11 escariota PartyPoker.it 602.0
12 Kaye72888 PartyPoker.it 569.0
13 ito76 PartyPoker.it 561.0
14 giu82 PartyPoker.it 448.0
15 ddaarr2008 PartyPoker.it 437.0
16 chimera_ PartyPoker.it 421.0
17 zannadri PartyPoker.it 404.0
18 fabiocodis80 PartyPoker.it 358.0
19 lagnata PartyPoker.it 346.0
19 club3coscies PartyPoker.it 346.0