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MainSelection: 2018

MainSelection: 2018
CategorySelection: Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players

2018 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - $2.01-$5 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Faser4Life PokerStars 26.0
2 Atai PokerStars 17.0
3 Wantux PokerStars 9.0
4 Sky.ReVo PokerStars 6.0
5 609_sixonine PokerStars 5.0
6 bruno_pro PokerStars 3.0
6 fillkill123 PokerStars 3.0

2018 - Mixed Games 6 to 8 Players - $2.01-$5 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 Atai PokerStars 20.0
2 609_sixonine PokerStars 14.0
3 Wantux PokerStars 10.0
4 Scarol1 PokerStars 8.0
5 plutarsch PokerStars 5.0
5 Faser4Life PokerStars 5.0
7 KlgAborigen PokerStars 4.0
7 Uncle-Vadik PokerStars 4.0
9 Toreadorgr PokerStars 3.0
10 Sky.ReVo PokerStars 2.0
10 Rockchuvak PokerStars 2.0
10 Excelencja PokerStars 2.0
10 Fede Z92 PokerStars 2.0
14 bruno_pro PokerStars 1.0
14 fillkill123 PokerStars 1.0
14 chilpomen PokerStars 1.0
14 XeX) PokerStars 1.0
14 Psixiatr PokerStars 1.0
14 Maral96 PokerStars 1.0
14 JoshBowman1 PokerStars 1.0